Learning programming by books is tough and frustrating for students and many peoples......
so a latest way of learning programming through fun is by codecademy.com .,,,,,,......
this website provides easy and funny way of learning programming.......
this website ultimately came up with an interactive way to learn programming by actually coding.......
Codecademy, a web-based interactive programming tutorial that enables you to learn, and walks you through the basics of JavaScript........
a total number of 2.1 million exercises were completed. ........
The site teaches coding from the very basics, like declaring variables, and go as far as ‘While’ loops.
When you visit Codecademy.com you will be prompted to complete the first lesson, which involves printing your name and finding the length (number of letters) of your name. However, as you progress, you will have to set up an account in order to save your progress and continue with the tutorials.
The lessons are pretty straightforward and can be easily understood. It has a sidebar on the left hand of the screen, which will instruct you to perform a task. On the right, you will have a terminal where you need to enter the code and execute the same. The site interactively responds to whatever you code, be it correct or incorrect, or may prompt you to reuse something you have learned in a previous lesson, thus making you feel interested in learning and accomplishing the task.
Another interesting catch is that as you progress through the lessons, you will start to earn some points, badges and trophies. This is something which will motivate you to perform more operations and mostly without any mistakes.
Go ahead, give it a try. I’m sure you’ll love it!
I just gave it a try and completed a few lessons in no time.