Friday, 26 August 2011

BlackBerry Torch 9850

While Sprint embraced the formal announcement of some of RIM's latest BlackBerry models by committing to carry both the Torch 9850 and Bold 9930, only the Bold 9930 has been associated with Verizon. Would it show interest in the Torch as well? A new poster apparently spotted in a Verizon store answers that with a strong affirmative, showing the new Torch among other smartphones carried by Verizon.

Unfortunately, there's no useful text on the poster, so all it really does is serve as unofficial confirmation that the carrier will be offering the Torch 9850 at some point. We're still in the dark as to when it might launch the handset, or what it's thinking of charging, but we can make a few assumptions based on Sprint's handling of the phone.

Sprint started selling the Torch on August 21, for $150 on-contract after rebates. Verizon's Bold 9930 pricing lined-up with Sprint's so there's no reason to think its plans for Torch 9850 pricing would be far off. If the Sprint 9850 launch was still in the future, we might expect Verizon's to be around the same time, but since it just happened a few days ago, it's harder to guess when Verizon might follow. Frankly, it could be any day now, and Verizon is clearly getting its retail stores ready for the phone's arrival.

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