Friday, 27 May 2011

World Population & Health

World Population & Health
World Population:
World Population 1950-2050
6,908,688,378 (UNdata) [5]
Most Populous Continent:
Most Populous Continents In The World
Asia - 4,307,107,875 - 62.34% of World population (UNdata) [5]
Most Populous Region:
Most Populous Regions In The World
South-Central Asia - 1,780,472,513 - 25.77% of World population (UNdata) [5]
Most Populous Country:
Most Populous Countries In The World
China - 1,354,146,443 - 19.60% of World population (UNdata) [5]
Most Populous City:
Most Populous Cities In The World
Shanghai - China - 16,348,947 (World Gazetteer) [6]
Most Populous Metro Area:
Most Populous Metro Areas In The World
Tokyo - Japan - 37,730,064 (World Gazetteer) [7]
Average Life Expectancy:
67.2 years (UN) [8]
Infant Mortality Rate:...
Largest HIV Population:
HIV Statistics For The World
South Africa - 5,700,000 (UNAIDS) [9]
Highest FGM Prevalence:
FGM Statistics For The World
Somalia - 97.9% of 15-49 yr old females have had Female Genital Mutilation (UNIFEM) [10]

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